
SQL Sorting and hyphens

Is there a way to easily sort in SQL Server 2005 while ignoring hyphens in a string field? Currently I have to do a REPLACE(fieldname,'-','') or a function to remove the hyphen in the sort clause. I was hoping there was a flag I could set at the top of the stored procedure or something. Access and the GridView default sorting seems to...

Hyphens in column names in MySQL DB

May be this question has been answered before but I couldn't find it. I am using a 2/3 yr old MySQL database which has hyphens in its column names. When I try to use these names from my Java code, the names are broken at the hyphen (e.g. air_port becomes air) and thus are not found. I tried replacing hyphens to underscores in my code ho...

part of the vbscript code gets trashed with hyphens

on some computers, when a client opens the specific html page, part of the vbscript code on the client side gets trashed with hyphens. i saw that the vbscript code on that page was composed of one huge code section enclosed in script start and end tags. i decided to fragment it to small sections, and it seemed better, but when i fragmene...

HTML Tables - How to make IE not break lines at hyphens

I have some table cells containing dates formatted like this: 2009-01-01. I.E 7 seems to be breaking these into two lines at the hyphen. Is there any way to turn this off? ...

dashes vs underscores in URL

In URL rewriting, i am quite confused that should i use underscore (_) OR hyphen (-) to replace spaces. According to this and this, hyphen should be used. But wikipedia uses underscores like en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_network_programming. so which should be used? ...

MediaWiki: Can I make all links lowercase and use hyphen instead of underscore as word separator?

Can I make in Mediawiki links lowercase and use hyphen instead of underscore as word separator? Sort of what Wordpress or another wiki CMS does. ...

Error using a hyphen as an object property name in Flex

I'm trying to assemble a header object for an api request. One of the headers is 'Content-Type'. The hyphen is causing a compile error. Flex is giving me: 1050 - Cannot assign to a non-reference value. I find it spiteful that they enjoy the use of a hyphen in the error message while I hang my head and come here for answers. ...

How do I get hyphens in my attribute names in Flex?

Flex has an issue with hyphens in xml. I need to generate an xml object with hyphens in the attribute for a Google Checkout implementation. I can get away with: var xml:XML = <item-description/>; and var xml:XML = <item-description the-name="foo"/>; but what I need to do is set the value of an attribute like this: var timestamp:...

Removing hyphens from a cell in Excel

I am looking to take the hyphen or dash out of a birthdate. 01/01/01 01-01-01 I need to combine the birthdate with other fields and it can't have the seperator in it. I am sure there is a better way. I can get the month and year out, using left & right however I can't figure out how to get the middle out. Below is what I have so far and...

curious case of hyphen and dash

I am trying to fetch records from Oracle 9i database whose value are 'FOO - BAR' for a particular column. The 'FOO - BAR' condition values are present in the table, But when I run the query, the results are not coming. After breaking my head for sometime, figured out that there is a difference in the size of the hypen's. 'FOO – BAR' ...

Why do GUIDs and UUIDs have hyphens in them?

A colleague of mine was wondering why he couldn't just strip the hyphens from the uuid/guid before storing it. We couldn't work out what the hyphens were for... What is the reasoning behind them? Surely they'd make it less random? ...

tackle different types of utf hyphens in ruby 1.8.7

We have different types of hyphens/dashes (in some text) populated in db. Before comparing them with some user input text, i have to normalize any type of dashes/hyphens to simple hyphen/minus (ascii 45). The possible dashes we have to convert are: Minus(−) U+2212 &minus; or &#x2212; or &#8722; Hyphen-minus(-) U+002D &#45; Hyphen(-) ...