


jqGrid('navButtonAdd',"#pager2",{caption:"Save All",title:"Save & Create Receipt",onClickButton:function () { 
      var s; 
      s = jQuery("#list2").jqGrid('getDataIDs'); 
        type: 'POST',
        data: {ids: s},

With above code, I'm able to submit data to server and the on server side it will generate a pdf as attachment, now I want to view the pdf on response via a new window/tab on browser.

Anyway to do it?

thanks, lupind


You can use to open a new window with a specified URL. Be careful, though, only to do this when necessary.

Steve Harrison
+1  A: 

If you return a URL to the just generated PDF then you can call with that URL. But I wouldn't use an Ajax call if you want to open a new window to display the PDF anyway. In this case I would either:

  • Use Javascript's passing through the data in the URL to the page that generates the PDF and let it output to the browser's window (but it might be too much data in the URL)
  • Create a special form to hold the data from your page and submit that form. This special form would have a target attribute set (target="_blank") to open it in a new window/tab.

For me, using two HTTP calls for one result (the generation and viewing of a PDF) is a waste.

Stephen Perelson