


+31  Q: 

What is O(log* N)?

What is O(log* N)? I found it online with no description.

edit: I know big-Oh, the log* was the question

+40  A: 

O( log* N ) is "iterated logarithm":

In computer science, the iterated logarithm of n, written log* n (usually read "log star"), is the number of times the logarithm function must be iteratively applied before the result is less than or equal to 1.

That is really interesting thing I'd not heard of. Q+A +1 each. I guess O(log*N) is for-all-intents-and-purposes O(1). Cool.
@greg, no log(n) means that as the number of elements goes up the time more slowly. eg. 10x as many elements only makes the function take 2x as long
Martin Beckett
I think I first came across it in the analysis of the Union-Find algorithm, when it was `O( N log* N )` before it was improved to `O( A N )`, where A is the inverse Ackermann function. I still don't understand the latter proof, but the `O( N log* N )` algorithm is a relatively good read.
@Martin, but this is log*(n) which goes up crazily slowly, such that log*(2^65536 -1) = 5. You might as well call that constant.
Sorry hadn't appreciated the log-star difference, thanks - learning something new!
Martin Beckett

It's a notation used in analysis of algorithms. See here.


It indicates how an algorithm performs: Big O Notation (scroll down to "Orders of common functions" and you will see a lot of samples, including yours)

Stefan Egli