



Anyone clear on how big a role Javascript will play when HTML 5 comes around? I'm deciding now whether to purchase a book on Javascript DOM or learn something useful like cooking with hemp oil. I'm already weary of the past year and a half I've spent absorbing AS3. I love it, I just don't want to be outmoded in 5 years when the iRevolutionaires rule the intergalactic space agency.


+6  A: 

HTML is about content, and not behavior -- which means you'll still have, even with HTML 5, to know at least :

  • HTML, for the content
  • CSS, for the presentation
  • And Javascript for the behavior (dynamic stuff)

So, I don't think Javascript will be outmoded in the next couple of years -- on the contrary, I would say, considering we are more and more going to use/develop web-applications.

Interesting. I feel to some people, html 5 represents the end of flash. Is that merely because of it's video support?
Maybe it's because HTML 5 also comes with a certain number of great functionnalities, like Drag and Drop, video *(as you said)*, offline-storage, ... Which means Flash will maybe not be needed for that anymore. But you'll still need some Javascript code to control those, of course.
@Jascha: I wouldn't look for the end of Flash anytime soon, no matter what Steve Jobs may think. Flash has the biggest penetration of any media plugin, has an enormous developer base, and is still more powerful and a better environment to work in (via Flex) than HTML5 and Javascript are. ActionScript (also based on EcmaScript) allows real class libraries, variable typing, non-prototype-based inheritance, etc., etc.
Ahh, yes, drag and drop, flash's only good point ;)
I understand you're being sarcastic, but I'm not sure what the target of that is. You can do drag'n'drop pretty easily in HTML 4, even, using Javascript. As I mentioned above, Flash offers some nice improvements over Javascript and even Javascript frameworks.
Please excuse the sarcasm. I love Actionscript 3. My meaning was that there is so much more that you can do with Actionscript 3. Complete RIAs with all the dragging and dropping you could possibly want. I don't want it's usefulness to be under appreciated, so I made the winky face, hoping that would suffice, but I will defend it here more literally!
There will be no end of flash before all browsers will support any standardized video encoding in HTML5. I think the most flash content on web are flv players. (if I don't consider flash games ofcoarse)
Petr Peller

HTML 5 will be about content, as HTML always has (or should have) been about.

JavaScript has always been about behaviour. If you want behaviour, learn JavaScript.

+1  A: 

If HTML5 is a Flash killer than the following may suffice:

JavaScript === ActionScript && HTML5 === MXML

HTML5 is for content and layout, JavaScript is for interacting with the end-user. For instance, richer games are possible when using Canvas for display of graphics and JavaScript for interaction.

+3  A: 

IMHO, Javascript will become even more important with HTML5. Knowing how to manipulate the DOM has always been important for interactive web apps, but now, in order to program a "canvas", to interact with the "clipboard", to manipulate an application "offline", to store/retrieve data from "localStorage", and to continue building Ajax-style interactivity, you'll need Javascript even more.

You'll also find that you can replace a lot of Flash/AS3 with HTML5/JS.

Don't write JS code where you don't have to though. Better animation, pseudo-class, and pseudo-element support in CSS lessens the amount of "styling" you'll need to write in JS.

Go buy a book (or two, or three).

Mark Judd
+1  A: 

They are mentioning javascript in the lastest working draft of the HTML5 specification. SVG, Canvas, et al... javascript is versatile with all of these.

But then again I'm told there is a lot of bio developments in Hemp from different consortiums. Though the consortiums are often ilegitimate, illegal, and/or not as public as the wc3. But, still, it gets more and more powerful, and unlikely to disappear.

On the basis that Javascript's versatility – with everything HTML5 and with being increasingly used beyond just the context of the browser – and Hemp being easier to pick up, I'd by the javascript book.

haha great comment.