Intrigued by the question, I did a bit of poking around, trying to get a better understanding of the nature of CALIBRA, its standing in academic circles and the existence of similar software of projects, in the Open Source and Linux world.
Please be kind (and, please, edit directly, or suggest editing) for the likely instances where my assertions are incomplete, inexact and even flat-out incorrect. While working in related fields, I'm by no mean an Operational Research (OR) authority!
[Algorithm] Parameter tuning problem is a relatively well defined problem, typically framed as one of a solution search problem whereby, the combination of all possible parameter values constitute a solution space and the parameter tuning logic's aim is to "navigate" [portions of] this space in search of an optimal (or locally optimal) set of parameters.
The optimality of a given solution is measured in various ways and such metrics help direct the search. In the case of the Parameter Tuning problem, the validity of a given solution is measured, directly or through a function, from the output of the algorithm [i.e. the algorithm being tuned not the algorithm of the tuning logic!].
Framed as a search problem, the discipline of Algorithm Parameter Tuning doesn't differ significantly from other other Solution Search problems where the solution space is defined by something else than the parameters to a given algorithm. But because it works on algorithms which are in themselves solutions of sorts, this discipline is sometimes referred as Metaheuristics or Metasearch. (A metaheuristics approach can be applied to various algorihms)
Certainly there are many specific features of the parameter tuning problem as compared to the other optimization applications but with regard to the solution searching per-se, the approaches and problems are generally the same.
Indeed, while well defined, the search problem is generally still broadly unsolved, and is the object of active research in very many different directions, for many different domains. Various approaches offer mixed success depending on the specific conditions and requirements of the domain, and this vibrant and diverse mix of academic research and practical applications is a common trait to Metaheuristics and to Optimization at large.
So... back to CALIBRA...
From its own authors' admission, Calibra has several limitations
- Limit of 5 parameters, maximum
- Requirement of a range of values for [some of ?] the parameters
- Works better when the parameters are relatively independent (but... wait, when that is the case, isn't the whole search problem much easier ;-) )
CALIBRA is based on a combination of approaches, which are repeated in a sequence. A mix of guided search and local optimization.
The paper where CALIBRA was presented is dated 2006. Since then, there's been relatively few references to this paper and to CALIBRA at large. Its two authors have since published several other papers in various disciplines related to Operational Research (OR).
This may be indicative that CALIBRA hasn't been perceived as a breakthrough.