



I have a project that has several build configurations (FREE version, male-only, female-only, etc.). I am avoiding using multiple build targets because (A) the products are mostly all the same and (B) I don't want to have to do checkbox-management to keep every file I have included with all the targets.

However, I have just a few files it would be nice NOT to include in certain builds. For example, I have male and female voice files, but I only want the male files in the male build and female voices in the female build. there a way to manage the build configuration to prevent these files from being included/linked in? What are my options?


Your best bet would be to use multiple targets with different copy files build phases. However, if you really want to make it harder on yourself, you could write a shell script which will remove the unwanted files from the product before code signing and set up a new shell script phase in your build process.

Usually, duplicating your existing target and removing unwanted files there is the easiest choice though.

Alexander Repty