



I understand the benefits of cleaning all data and quoting data, etc, but I'm wondering if http allows for a situation where a subdomain could have the right chars for SQL injection.

+3  A: 

You mean like

I'm guessing you have a wildcard DNS entry and are taking the subdomain as a form of input. If so, then yes, it's user-generated input and you have to be as suspicious of it as anything else. Even if none of us here on SO can come up with a real example for this question, that doesn't mean someone much more determined who spends more time on it couldn't come up with one.

Is there an argument against escaping/processing/checking the subdomain name?

T.J. Crowder
+2  A: 

You shouldn't "clean" or quote your data to avoid SQL injection. You should use query parameters.

Mark Byers
...which is a way of cleaning/quoting your data. Sometimes you have to do it other ways, depending on your DB connector technology and such.
T.J. Crowder
@TJCrowder: I wouldn't say parameters is a way of cleaning or quoting. I'd say it's a way to not need to clean or quote.
John Saunders
@John I'm using an ORM that does all the security stuff for me so I can afford to be ignorant anyhow, but I was just curious.
@Mark +1 for the unicorn. P.S. Your website has a proxy issue ("Bad Gateway Error").