Tatham Oddie, one of the WebForms MVP developers, was on Scott Hanselman's podcast not too long ago. You can find that episode here: A different way to do ASP.NET WebForms with WebFormsMVP. A PDF transcript is available there if you don't have time to listen to it.
Tatham's blog is at http://blog.tatham.oddie.com.au/ and his most recent post mentions the podcast and that they were quite about the project till now. The wiki page on the project's site that you linked to mentions the MIX 10 announcement.
You can find the video and slides of Tatham's and Damian's MIX10 session here (they do mention WebForms MVP near the end of the slides): Building Great Standards-Based Websites for the Big Wide World with Microsoft ASP.NET 4.
Apart from that, and the project's wiki page, I don't think there are any other resources. They suggest downloading the project demo to get familiar with it till documentation is available.