



Given a base class with the following interface:

public class Base
    public virtual IEnumerable<string> GetListOfStuff()
        yield return "First";
        yield return "Second";
        yield return "Third";

I want to make a derived class that overrides the method, and adds its own stuff, like so:

public class Derived : Base
    public override IEnumerable<string> GetListOfStuff()
        foreach (string s in base.GetListOfStuff())
            yield return s;

        yield return "Fourth";
        yield return "Fifth";

However, I'm greeted with a warning that "access to a member through a base keyword from an iterator cannot be verified".

What's the accepted solution to this problem then?

+8  A: 

How about:

public class Derived : Base
    public override IEnumerable<string> GetListOfStuff()
        return base.GetListOfStuff().Concat(GetMoreStuff());        
    private IEnumerable<string> GetMoreStuff()
        yield return "Fourth";
        yield return "Fifth";
Marc Gravell
Instead of a helper function for the base stuff, a helper function for the stuff in this class. Good idea!
Dave Van den Eynde
+3  A: 

It's because the iterator gets turned into a private class, and accessing superclass methods from an inner class is not verifiable (as it has to force the 'this' pointer to something other than itself).

Try creating a new private method in Derived:

private IEnumerable<string> GetBaseListOfStuff()
    return base.GetListOfStuff();

and call that instead of base.GetListOfStuff()

+2  A: 

It seems that one solution was to simply follow what the "manual" says: make a helper function.

So for now I've solved it like this:

public class Derived : Base
    private IEnumerable<string> GetBaseStuff()
        return base.GetListOfStuff();

    public override IEnumerable<string> GetListOfStuff()
        foreach (string s in GetBaseStuff())
            yield return s;

        yield return "Fourth";
        yield return "Fifth";

But I'm curious about other solutions as well, should they exist.

Dave Van den Eynde
+5  A: 

Incidentally, the reason for this odd behaviour is that the CLR security team changed the verifier right before v2 shipped, such that it became unverifiable to do a non-virtual call on a virtual method of one class from a method in a different class.

For further explanation of this issue see my article on the subject from a few years back.

This is now out-of-date; we've fixed up the compiler so that it now generates the helper for you.

Eric Lippert