I have browsed through many posts on this and have tried some of the suggestions but still not understanding it fully. I would like to scrape html pages that have some script running that usually executes the script to display a link after clicking. Some mentioned firebug and others talked about reverse engineering the code I need. But after trying reverse engineering I still dont see how to get the data after tracing the script function.
function() {
var categoryList = jQuery('#category-list');
categoryList.css('top', jQuery(this).offset().top+43);
jQuery('.category-selector img').attr ('src', '/images/up_arrow.png');
function() {
var categoryList = jQuery('#category-list');
jQuery('.category-selector img').attr('src', '/images/down_arrow.png');
jQuery('.category-item a').click(
idToShow = jQuery(this).attr('id').substr(9);
hideAllExcept(jQuery('#category_' + idToShow));
jQuery('.category-item a').removeClass('activeLink');
I am using vb.net and some sites were easy using firebug where looking at the script I was able to pull the data that I needed. What woudl I do in this scenario? the link is http://featured.typepad.com/ and the categories are what I am trying to access. Notice the url does not change. Appreciate any responses.