



I'm making a foreign language flashcard website in which I want to have 100s of short 3-10 second audio files available for users to click and listen.

So I am looking for a tool/service such as YouTube or but for audio which e.g.:

  • allows me to easily upload multiple kinds of audio files: mp3, wav, etc.
  • easy to manage them online (delete, replace)
  • has a simple, small player (e.g. flash) that integrates nicely into any site

Or has anyone built something like this with Silverlight, e.g. where I could send the name of an mp3 file as a parameter in the object element?

+1  A: 

For 3-10 second sound files, you can just serve them as any other file. If you have 100 of them, it will not amount to much storage. They are easily transmitted over http.

I don't think you need a service or site for that amount of data. There's a jQuery plugin that plays sound. Embed that into your web pages and you're done.
