




I have a Seekbar and I want to save the state to database when the progress is changed.

I am wondering in which event to put my code onProgressChanged vs. onStopTrackingTouch?


Unless you have reason to believe that the application will often crash in the middle of the gesture and you need to save where the user was at that time, I would recommend onStopTrackingTouch.

+1  A: 

I would use onProgressChanged if you need to update any elements of the UI as the user is sliding the progress bar.

I would wait for onStopTrackingTouch to actually update the database.

+1  A: 

I am going to disagree with both mbaird and jqpubliq, for one simple reason: they assume the user is using a touchscreen.

Most Android devices have touchscreens. Not all will. For example, there are firms developing Android set-top boxes (think Android equivalents of Roku or Boxee Box). Most televisions are not touchscreens.

Now, if you want your application to only be usable with a touchscreen -- and you have set the appropriate <uses-configuration> elements in your manifest -- onStopTrackingTouch() may be reliable for detecting a progress change.

Personally, I would update the database on neither onProgressChanged() nor onStopTrackingTouch(), but at the point when the user does something positive to indicate they want to persist the current screen's contents -- pressing the BACK button, clicking a Save button, etc. But I certainly would not rely on onStopTrackingTouch() unless you are developing a touchscreen-only app.
