I am trying to invoke the onclick function in an html page that displays content. I am using the httpwebreqest control and not a browser control. I have traced the function and tried to find the link it calls but looking at the code below I tried inserting the link into the browser with the main url but it does not work.
<div style="position:relative;" id="column_container">
<a href="#" onclick="
if (! loading_next_page) {
loading_next_page = true;
$('loading_recs_spinner').style.visibility = 'visible';
**new Ajax.Request('/recommendations?directory=non-profit&page=**' + next_page, {
onComplete: function(transport) {
if (200 == transport.status){
$('column_container').insert({ bottom: transport.responseText });
loading_next_page = false;
$('loading_recs_spinner').style.visibility = 'hidden';
next_page += 1;
if (transport.responseText.blank()) $('show_more_recs').hide();
return false;
Any ideas would be deeply appreciated.