



I have this sample code:


The intent is that I want something to happen when you click on $myTrigger. If, on the other hand, you tab onto it via the keyboard (ie, focus) I want the exact same thing to happen, so I ask it to click.

The catch is if I click on it, it also focuses. So both alerts are going off.

Is there a way to prevent the focus event from going off when clicking?


Ajm's comment got me thinking that I'm maybe asking the wrong thing.

Question: Does a click event always also trigger focus in javascript (and/or in jQuery?). Can I assume whenever I want to handle both clicking with the mouse and tabbing-in with the keyboard, the focus() event will handle both?

Or is it dependent on the particular element that I'm attaching the events to? (In this case $myObject happens to be an anchor tag (link).


I ran into a similar problem a while back. I solved it by responding to the first event, and ignoring events for the next 20ms.

Try something like this:


var okToClick = true;

function OnReady() {
    //Attach to both click and focus events

function PerformAction() {
    if (okToClick) {
        okToClick = false;

        // Do something interesting here...

        setTimeout(function() { okToClick = true; }, 20);
Matt Brunell
I wouldn't say that is so much a solution as it is an ugly hack around the issue.
Keith Rousseau
Yep. It's a hack. Can't argue there. But in my case, it was the *only* solution.
Matt Brunell

You can use only the focus() method and read this article about events (e) types on JavaScript:

To detect what event you got with you mouse or keyboard (to test it), u can use:

if (!e) var e = window.event;
I suppose my question is really "does focus ALWAYS get called on CLICK?"
@DA - Yeah, because when you click on the element you're activating it's focus too since your focused in that element. :)
@TiuTalk, well, I did a test and that does not appear to be the case. You can't give a DIV a focus event, for instance, and then click on it and have that event fired. It appears that this is only true for 'focusable' elements.

To prevent focus from being called twice set a variable to tell if the element has focus.

var hasFocus = false;
      hasFocus = true;
      //do stuff

      hasFocus = false;

Put all functionality on focus and tell jQuery to set the foucus on the element when it is clicked if you run into a browser which doesn't do that.

$(#myTrigger).click( function(){ if(!hasFocus){$(#myTrigger).focus()}});
that won't work as focus would then get called twice.
Good point. You'll have to set a variable to see if it's gotten focus yet.
+1  A: 

jQuery has a built-in functon for this that's not used all that often called .one()

$'click focus', function() { alert("event"); });

This will only trigger once, or you can re-bind if you want afterwards.

Nick Craver
Does that call 'one of these two events once' or does it call 'each of these events once'? The documentation doesn't say. (Obviously, I can try it out an will as soon as I can...)
@DA - Once in total is probably the clearest description
Nick Craver
Yup. It works! THANKS!