
wxWidgets: Detecting click event on custom controls

How to add a click event listener to my custom control made with wxWidgets? The custom control uses wxWindow as the base. On the event list I see wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN wxEVT_LEFT_UP wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK wxEVT_MIDDLE_DOWN wxEVT_MIDDLE_UP wxEVT_MIDDLE_DCLICK wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN wxEVT_RIGHT_UP wxEVT_RIGHT_DCLICK wxEVT_MOTION wxEVT_ENTER_WINDOW wx...

IE Javascript Clicking Problem

Hi...first off, I'm working on an app that's written such that some of your typical debugging tools can't be used (or at least I can't figure out how :). Javascript, html, etc are all "cooked" and encoded (I think; I'm a little fuzzy on how the process works) before being deployed, so I can't attach VS 2005 to ie, and firebug lite does...

OnClick in Excel VBA

Apart from being horribly annoyed with Excel VBA ... I have this question: Is there a way to catch a click on a cell in VBA with Excel? I'm not talking about the Worksheet_SelectionChange event, as that won't trigger multiple times if the cell is clicked multiple times. BeforeDoubleClick doesn't solve my problem either, I don't want to ...

How can I differentiate between single and double clicks in .Net?

I want to override OnMouseClick and OnMouseDoubleClick and perform different actions depending on which click style was used. The problem is that OnMouseClick is happening for both single and double clicks, and is getting called before OnMouseDoubleClick. I'm certain this must be a common requirement, so I guess I'm missing something p...

How can I implement the "tap and hold" behavior in an MFC CListCtrl?

How can I implement the "tap and hold" behavior in an MFC CListCtrl? I have an MFC CListCtrl in a CDialog and I need to add to the CListCtrl the "tap and hold" behavior. That is what I mean for "tap and hold": If the user clicks (a "standard" click with the left button of the mouse) on a CListCtrl item then function A will be called. ...

FLEX3, Click and event catching, special case

Here is my problem: I have a main canvas 'blackboard' in a panel, this canvas has itself several childs, like a toolbar (tiles), a label and some skinning. The problem is that when i move to the rectangle tool and i start drawing rectangles if i want to change the tool when i click on an other tool such as 'circle' or 'select' the but...

How do I close a form when a user clicks outside the form's window?

I want to close a System.Windows.Forms.Form if the user clicks anywhere outside it. I've tried using IMessageFilter, but even then none of the messages are passed to PreFilterMessage. How do I receive clicks outside a form's window? ...

How to prevent a Winforms control from listening to the keyboard ...

For a certain inputform, I'd like to make it possible to do input with the keyboard. I know how to read the keys through KeyPressed and KeyUp, but the problem is that when a control has got the focus and the user presses the Enter key, that control receives the a Click event. Is it possible to prevent that behaviour ? Or is it possibl...

How to bind a click event on a recently added <a> tag in jquery

Hello. I have 6 links on a page to an mp3. The plugin I installed replaces those links with a swf and plays that mp3 inline. The problem I had was that it was possible to activate all 6 links and have all audio playing at once. I solved that problem (I feel in a clumsy novice way though) by catching the < a > tag before it was replaced...

c# gridview row click

When i click on a row in my gridview, i want to go to a other page with the id i get from the database. In my RowCreated event i have the following line: e.Row.Attributes.Add("onClick", ClientScript.GetPostBackClientHyperlink(this.grdSearchResults, "Select$" + e.Row.RowIndex)); To prevent error messages i have this code: protected ...

Is it possible to get the image mouse click location with PHP?

Basically what the title says... I need to have an image that when clicked, I call script.php for instance and in that PHP script file, I get the image coordinates where the mouse was clicked. Is this possible? EDIT: After a couple of answers I realized I didn't describe my problem correctly... The thing is, I don't have total control...

JQuery TabData

Dear All I have designing the TabMenu Like following <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $('#container-1').tabs(); $('#container-2').tabs(); } </script> ..... <div id="container-1"> <ul> <li><a href="#fragment-1"><span i...

How to find out user clicked 3 times through my website with javascript

Is there any way in JavaScript how to find out user clicked through the same domain 2 or more times? I need to popup a window after user clicked anywhere on the site for 3 times. I know how to do it after one click - with document.referrer or addEventListener, but then I'm lost. I need something that will capture all click events (not ...

How to call a function in JQuery click()?

In the code below, why does the open function work but the close function doesn't? $("#closeLink").click("closeIt"); i.e. how do you just call a function in click() instead of defining it the in click(). <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /> <title>Text jQuery Page</title> <sty...

directx mouse click simulation

How can I simulate the mouse click in a directx application? mouse_event and PostMessage with WM_LBUTTONDOWN don't work... so it must be something to do with the DirectInput I haven't found out nothing useful with google, so you may be knowing the answer... thanks in advance //update I wrote the text wrongly, what I want is to make ...

What is Difference in assign an event...the correct method?

Hi Can you tell me what the difference is between these methods of attaching an event handler? //Method 1 this.button4.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(button4_Click); //Method 2 this.button4.Click += button4_Click; ... void button4_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { } ...

displaying # views on a page without hitting database all the time

More and more sites are displaying the number of views (and clicks like on certain pages receive. What is the best practice for keeping track of view #'s without hitting the database every load? I have a bunch of potential ideas on how to do this in my head but none of them seem viable. Thanks, first time user. ...

jQuery click event for document but ignore a div

I have a online Slide Show I'm working on using jQuery. I have use $(document).click event to detect when a user clicks on the page to know when to show the next bullet point in the slide or to move to the next page. The problem I'm running into is my job had me insert a comment box on the bottom of the page and when ever someone clicks...

Button needs to be clicked twice to trigger function

I know this would be difficult to understand but please give a try. Have a look at the screenshot. The small input box's name is murl. add() is used to submit the form. if murl is empty the form has to be submitted directly, if its not empty the murl entry has to be checked against the database if it exists. if it doesn't exist add() i...

Suppress a SWF Click Event in IE, follow anchor tag instead

Scenario: You have a SWF file with a built-in click event that takes you to a certain web page. You want to use that SWF file (source isn't available), but have the click event take you to a different web page. Wrapping the embedded SWF in an anchor tag and setting the swf to wmode=transparent only seems to work in FF, not IE, and sin...