




am having a WPF user control, when i use that control in another window it loading twice, so its throwing exception for me, coz am having some function in usercontrol_loaded event, when it loading twice it throwing error, is there any other way to check if the usercontrol is loaded like that, else how to solve this issue.


Can you provide a code snippet?

+2  A: 


Long story short, use a boolean flag:

    private bool firstLoad = true;
    private void UserControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        if (firstLoad)
            firstLoad = false;

            // Do somthing that want to do only once...

Longer story: Apparently, in WPF you can't assume the loaded event is fired only once.

I've encountered the same situation using a user control in a Tabitem. Every time you activate a Tabitem by selecting it the loaded event is fired for all controls within this tabitem.


Hertzel Guinness

Yeah, I find this behavior really weird. Ultimately I think that what Hertzel said is the best way to go- that or deriving a new UserControl class like so:

You can derive stuff from LoadOnceUserControl and its FirstLoaded event will be called only once.

using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
public class LoadOnceUserControl : UserControl
    private bool firstLoadCalled = false;

    public LoadOnceUserControl()
        // Hook up our loaded event
        this.Loaded += new RoutedEvent(delegate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // If FirstLoad hasn't been called and there are events to be called...
            if (!this.firstLoadCalled && this.FirstLoaded != null)
                this.FirstLoaded(sender, e);

            // We've already called (or attempted to call) FirstLoad.
            this.firstLoadCalled = true;

    event RoutedEventHandler FirstLoaded;
Zane Kaminski