




How can I write a Broadcast Receiver that will be invoked when user clicks on any application icon?

I tried by writing:

<receiver android:name = "myreceiver"> 
        <action android:name = "android.intent.action.MAIN"> 

But it is not called.

I tried, by using Packagemanager I will get ApplicationInfo. From that I can know all the application starting activity name and package names. I thought I can use them to registerReceiver and my receiver will listen by its launching activity and package name. But I strucked. I am unable to do that. I think I lost the way.

What can I do to solve this problem?

+1  A: 

I don't think this is possible, there is just too much room for abuse. What are you trying to do that you would need to be notified anytime someone launched an application?

I actually was also looking for similar functionality to log user activity (apps opening, mainly, not keypress/browser activity, etc)
i would like to keep lock to application.when ever user tries to start the application i.e clicks on application icon my receiver has to leason to it and a dialog box will opened if user gives correct details then application will unlocked and application will start..now tell me am i in right way to achieve my task..please guide me..thanks in advance..
What I'm telling you is that I don't think there is a way to achieve what you want. You can (of course) tell when apps that you have written, but I don't think the OS will allow people to hook into the launch of all apps.
if it is our application we can register a broadcastreceiver with our own action and we can achive it right?thanks for your clarification caseyB..any way it is very bad news for me..