


        <DataTempalte x:Key="label">
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Label}"/>
        <DataTemplate x:Key="editor">
            <UserControl Content="{Binding Control.content}"/> <!-- This is the line -->
            <GridViewColumn Header="Name"  CellTemplate="{StaticResource label}"/>
            <GridViewColumn Header="Value" CellTemplate="{StaticResource editor}"/>

On the marketed line, I'm replacing the contents of a UserControl with the contents of another UserControl that is dynamically created in code. I'd like to replace the entire control, and not just the content. Is there a way to do this?


To clarify my intent, the Items that my ListView collection holds owns a Control (which inherits from UserControl) that knows how to manipulate the item's value. Simply binding the Content gets me the visual representation, but discards other non-content related properties of the derived Control. If I could replace that UserControl in my template in a more whole-sale fashion, this would fix that problem.


Looks like you want to switch between label and textbox in a cell based on some state. I'd use trigger for that.

Or see if this might be of use:


Here's a hack (I don't recommend this and I hate myself a little for posting it):

    <DataTemplate x:Key="editor">
        <Border Loaded="Border_Loaded">
            <UserControl Content="{Binding Control.content}"/>

In code behind:

    private void Border_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        // Example of replacement
        Button b = new Button();
        b.Content = "Woot!";
        ((Border)sender).Child = b;

Obviously, you'll need to store the reference to the border and keep track of which border belongs to which cell. I can't imagine this is less complex than switching templates.

Scott J
Interesting link, but this isn't what I'm trying to achieve. I'd like to replace that UserControl with another, arbitrary UserControl.
Would switching templates on the fly work in this situation? See here for details is a way to do what you want, but it's kludgey and I suspect not the best approach to achieve the desired behavior.
Scott J
Switching templates on the the fly is what I had been doing originally. Switching the UserControl simplifies what I was doing greatly.
Updated entry with hack.
Scott J

I finally figured this one out:

    <DataTemplate x:Key="editor">
        <ContentPresenter Content="{Binding Path=Control}"/>

The ContentPresenter is exactly what I was looking for.
