




This question is meant to augment the Hidden Features question at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1070863/hidden-features-of-vba

What are the biggest, most common, or most annoying pitfalls of VBA?

Please list anything that might be described as

  • programmer beware
  • VBA behavior that requires painful and constant workarounds.
  • Things that consistently make bugs easy to produce.
  • Things that confuse programmers
  • Unconventional syntax or behavior compared to other langauges, etc
+2  A: 

Since I've been writing VB.net for a while, it is always a problem for me to prefix object assignment lines with Set, like

Dim d as Object
Set D = CreateObject("SomethingUseful")

instead of just

D = CreateObject("SomethingUseful")

which the IDE would not complain about, but you get a runtime error (object reference not set).

But this is basically VB.Net/VB6 difference, not especially VBA.

+4  A: 

The whole language?

Eh, I'll be concrete: the fact that:

  • x = f(y)
  • f(y)
  • f y
  • Call f(y)

All have subtly different semantics, depending on whether f is a Function or a Sub and whether y is ByRef or ByVal.

To wit, if f is a function:

  • x = f(y) does what you expect
  • f(y) does call f and discard the return value, but if y is ByRef it will be passed ByVal as a special case
  • f y is a syntax error
  • Call f(y) does as f(y) above, but without the ByVal caveat

On the other hand, if f is a Sub:

  • f(y) is a syntax error
  • f y is correct
  • Call f(y) is a syntax error


Derrick Turk
This actually cleared up a few things for me. +1!
Also, this article explains some additional gotchas--such as when y is an object, you can't use parenthesis. http://www.cpearson.com/Excel/byrefbyval.aspx
Kimball Robinson
@k.robinson: Excellent! I'm bookmarking that in case I ever get dragged into another macro maintenance exercise.
Derrick Turk