



I want to build a program that will (as part of what it's doing) display lines organically growing and interacting horizontally across the screen. Here's a sample image, just imagine the lines sprouting from the left and growing to the right:

Line Example

The lines would look like the lines used on Google Maps Transit Overlay or OnNYTurf's transit pages.

It's a personal project, so I'm open to just about any language and library combination. But I don't know where to start. What have you used in the past to create graphics that are similar to this? What would you recommend? I want it to run on Windows without any extras needed (.Net is fine), and it doesn't have to run elsewhere. I needs to run as an actual program, not javascript in the browser.

There's obviously no 'right' answer to this, but the purpose isn't to start an argument about X better than Y but rather just find a list of graphics toolkits that do simple 2D graphics that people recommend because of their ease of use or community or whatever.

+1  A: 

Processing may be just the tool for you.

Mike Daniels
I've looked at Processing and gone through some tutorials, but it seems it's more graphics oriented as an end, as opposed to a feature. What I mean is, I couldn't find a way to embed it as a library in a larger program, and have it take orders on what to draw. The majority of the program will *not* be graphics oriented. It seems I could try and write the whole thing in Processing but that'd be the wrong tool I think.
Tom Ritter
@Tom, it looks like you can embed a Processing panel in another application. See:
Mike Daniels

Like you said, there are many ways to tackle this problem. Me personally, being it is a windows based project, I would go with the .NET based implementation utilizing WPF. There are tutorials on how to use the 2D drawing feature out there ( for one ) Again, there is no right answer here. I might also pick some new technology and let your project be a mechanism to learn something new, providing you do not have a looming deadline.

Rob Goodwin
I knew there'd be some way to draw with WPF - but having to fight that hard against WPF just to draw lines makes me pretty nervous of investing in it. I'm cool with learning something new, I just wanted recommendations on *what* =)
Tom Ritter