



I am not sure why other people have not asked this before. But have you notice that the asp:Calendar shows an extra week at the end?

For example if the VisibleMonth is set to 2010-03-01 and FirstDayOfWeek to Sunday: It will show 6 weeks.

  1. Feb 28 to March 6
  2. March 7 to March 13
  3. March 14 to March 20
  4. March 21 to March 27
  5. March 28 to April 3
  6. April 4 to April 10

I was wondering why Microsoft shows the last Row which is entirely on April. I tried to search the net for a property but it does not seem to be existing.

The only solution that I could think of is to override the Pre_Render and check all individual date if they are still within the week of the VisibleDate. But of course that is an extreme checking since each rendering of the control shows it.

Here is my work around.

protected void Calendar1_DayRender(object sender, DayRenderEventArgs e)
    int dayOfWeek = Convert.ToInt16(e.Day.Date.DayOfWeek);
    int compensate = dayOfWeek - Convert.ToInt16(DayOfWeek.Sunday);
    DateTime WeekStart = e.Day.Date.AddDays(-1 * compensate);
    DateTime WeekEnd = WeekStart.AddDays(6);

    // If the start and end of the week does not have relevance to the current month
    if (WeekStart.Month != Calendar1.VisibleDate.Month &&
        WeekEnd .Month != Calendar1.VisibleDate.Month)
        e.Cell.Text = "";
        e.Cell.Height = 0;
        e.Cell.Visible = false;

Nice! It is a bit annoying you have to fix this by hand, but your code works great for me! :)
