I'd like to be able to read an XML file uploaded by the user (less than 100kb), but not have to first save that file to the database. I don't need that file past the current action (its contents get parsed and added to the database; however, parsing the file is not the problem). Since local files can be read with:
I thought about just creating a file_field for :uploaded_file, then trying to read it with
but all that does is throw a TypeError (can't convert HashWithIndifferentAccess into String). I really have tried a lot of various things (including reading from the /tmp directory as well), but could get none of them to work.
I hope the brevity of my question doesn't mask the effort I've given to try to solve this on my own, but I didn't want to pollute this question with a hundred ways of how NOT to get it done. Big thanks to anyone who chimes in.
Here is my view: <% form_for(:uploaded_file, @feed, :url => {:action=>'parse'}, :html=> {:multipart=>true}) do |f| %>
<%= f.label :uploaded_file, 'Upload your file.' %>
<%= f.file_field :uploaded_file %>
<% end %>
I set up a custom action (upload) which handles the file_field upload, which after submission, is passed off to another custom action (parse) for processing. Could this be a part of my problem?