Hi i am making asp.net website and i am following SDLC Straitegy so which diagrams are required to draw.
Depends on what diagrams you need!
Diagrams should not be drawn for thr sake of drawing a diagram. It should add value to your development process.
Having said that, You might want to make a Class diagram and a Sequence Diagram for starters. Drawing the overall system architecture wont hurt either.
2010-03-30 07:34:12
@Midhat, Thank you for feedback but i want the list of diagram to be useful in SDLC Straitegy
2010-03-30 08:02:04
Like I said. It depends on teh SDLC process. For OO development like asp.net, UML is typically used. You can find a list of UML diagrams at http://vinci.org/uml/diags.html
2010-03-30 08:13:44
and http://www.agilemodeling.com/essays/umlDiagrams.htm
2010-03-30 08:14:22
2010-03-30 08:14:47