Although a regex can easily do this, I'm not sure it's the most straight-forward approach. It's probably the shortest, but that doesn't actually make it the most maintainable.
Instead, I'd suggest something like this:
$x="14:48 say;0ed673079715c343281355c2a1fde843;2;laka;hello ;)";
if (($ts,$rest) = $x =~ /(\d+:\d+)\s+(.*)/)
my($command,$hash,$pid,$handle,$quote) = split /;/, $rest, 5;
print join ",", map { "[$_]" } $ts,$command,$hash,$pid,$handle,$quote
This results in:
[14:48],[say],[0ed673079715c343281355c2a1fde843],[2],[laka],[hello ;)]
I think this is just a bit more readable. Not only that, I think it's also easier to debug and maintain, because this is closer to how you would do it if a human were to attempt the same thing with pen and paper. Break the string down into chunks that you can then parse easier - have the computer do exactly what you would do. When it comes time to make modifications, I think this one will fare better. YMMV.