



I have a PHP script that checks the HTTP Referer.

if ($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] == '') {...}

However, this seems inherintly unsafe ... because what happens if the user goes to '' or '' (both of which don't match the equality test).

Question: what's a better equality test to ensure that the HTTP Referer is coming from '' ?

+1  A: 

Obligatory response: HTTP_REFERER can be spoofed so there is no way to be 100% sure anyone came from a specific website.

However if you do want to rely on it you can use a regex to look for "" in the HTTP_REFERER. stristr() would also work, and probably would be recommended since it would be faster then a regex. It's also case insensitive so it would match "" as well as '".

John Conde
I know, thanks. But that's not the question.
(It's still a decent first line of defense, but thanks for mentioning it regardless)
but wouldn't *stristr* also match on "" which would be undesirable ?
+1  A: 

Hope you don't check it for anything significant.

you can use parse_url() function to get hostname part and to check if HTTP_REFERER contain actually an url.
you can also just substr www. from hostname.
character case is not important as it's always lowercase

or use a regexp.

Col. Shrapnel
if (strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) == '') {...}

How about...

$parts = explode('/',$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
if (in_array('',$parts) || in_array('',$parts)) {...}
Not sure this will work all the time because that assumes 1) a trailing slash, 2) that "www." is present instead of the user going directly to
URLs should always be canonicalized, i.e. redirect secondary domain to primary one (when multiple domains are used).
@Hank - Check my answer again...
+3  A: 

parse_url() combined with a bit of string juggling should do what you want. Try this:

$url = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
//take the last two 'dot segments' of the host
$hostOnly = implode('.',array_slice(explode('.',$url['host']),-2));
if (strtolower($hostOnly) == '') {

Note that parse_url() can fail on badly formed URLs, so you might want to add some error checking to be safe. HTTP_REFERER could easily be filled with junk.


Using a regex, this would become

if(preg_match("%(http://)?(www\.)?example\.com(/)?%i",$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { ... }
Arda Xi