First, please be aware that three numbers don't describe a color, three numbers together with a colorspace do. RGB isn't a colorspace, it's what's called a color model. There are lots of colorspaces with the RGB model. So ((1,0,0), sRGB) is a different color than ((1,0,0), Adobe RGB). Are you aware of how string encodings work, where a bunch of bytes by itself is not a string? It's a lot like that. It's also similar in that you're kind of asking for trouble whenever you want to look at the component values, because it's an opportunity for messing up the colorspace handling.
Sorry, cannot help myself. Anyway, I'll answer the question as if your original color was ((1,0,0), Generic RGB).
NSColor *color = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:1 green:0 blue:0 alpha:1];
NSLog(@"hue! %g saturation! %g brightness! %g, [color hueComponent], [color saturationComponent], [color brightnessComponent]);
and on the other hand,
NSColor *color = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedHue:h saturation:s brightness:b alpha:1];
NSLog(@"red! %g green! %g blue! %g, [color redComponent], [color greenComponent], [color blueComponent]);
These fooComponent methods do not work with all colors, only those in two specific colorspaces, see docs. You already know you're good if you created the colors yourself with the methods above. If you have a color of unknown provenance, you can (attempt to) convert it to a colorspace in which you can use those component methods with -[NSColor colorUsingColorspaceName:]