



Does anyone know if i can use another intellisense "helper" with resharper? I'm looking for suggestions of intellisense plugins to replace resharper's or ways to improve resharper intellisense..

I dont know if its just me, but Resharper's intellisense just seems way worst than visual studio's intellisense.


You can use Resharper with VS intellisense.

Andrew Bezzub
Yes I know, it's what I'm currently using. Bu I assume there must be a plugin or something that can give me a better intellisense, and that's what I'm asking suggestions for.
+1  A: 

Try ReSharper 5

Ilya Ryzhenkov
both visual studio 2010 and resharper 5 are not yet ready for use in work environments.when the tool is mature enough, i will upgrade from 4.5 to 5.0, but until then...
Do you consider it mature enough today, when it is released?
Ilya Ryzhenkov
I've been burned by the installer for nightly builds. My VS main hive is corrupted such that "devenv /setup" segfaults, and uninstalling the nightly build followed by installing a beta or release never repaired the issue. Going to have to re-image my box if I can't find a fix.
Jeffrey Hantin
+2  A: 

I love Resharper 5 'contains' mode intellisense!
(I've migrated from Prod to it's Beta version even only for this feature!)

Thanks that you don't need to know exact name of method, type etc.
Eg when I'd like to use method with 'exit' in can just type few letters and see as below:

Contains search method

Biggest pain is noticeable slow down of environment. But I can pay this price...
