



It seems that I accidentally checked in my "gen" folder from an Android project (this folder contains the generated class). When I realized I did this I deleted it from SVN and tried to ignore it.

Now I am now getting the error...

"Could not add gen to the ignore list! Working copy 'C:\code\guru' locked.

When I try to run a cleanup command I get this...

Cleanup failed to process the following paths: -C:\code\guru 'C:\code\guru\gen' is not a working copy directory.

When I try to run a resolve I get this...

Working copy 'C:\code\guru' locked Please execute the 'Cleanup' command.

We are currently on SVN 1.6 on the server.

+3  A: 

Try deleting the gen directory entirely from your checkout, then run Cleanup and then Update. If that doesn't work, you may have confused your Subversion client and you might have to make a completely new checkout. (Of course, don't delete your previous checkout until you've recovered anything in there you want to keep.)

Greg Hewgill
+2  A: 

I rarely have any luck with Cleanup. I usually end up doing a completely fresh checkout and fixing any remaining problems there (carefully).

Jim Blackler