




Strangely I find no support for Midi in Android. The only thing that comes close is the Jetplayer, but this only takes a existing .jet file.

I want to dynamically generate a midi file with some intervals and play it. I even thought about just manually creating a .jet file with a tone and then transposing it with the jet player, but it limits the transposing to -12, +12. Which is not so good for me.

There also is a ToneGenerator on Android, but it's limited to predefined tones with no way to transpose.

Does someone know how to achieve midi generation and playback on Android?

+2  A: 

Perhaps this Pragmatic Programmer thread might be of interest.

Alex Reynolds
Found something there. It looks like the Mediaplayer in android does support midi files, so all I have to do now is find a existing midi generation library and use it.
Awesome! Glad it helped.
Alex Reynolds

I currently settled for the dynamic generation of midi files that then are fed to the MediaPlayer. It's quite easy to build a simple midi file generator and the MediaPlayer works correctly with it.

I do have opened a feature request for direct streaming access to the synthesizer. If you are interested in streaming midi, please rate, star, comment there.
