



I'm playing around with html5 and some javascript to make a minor sketchpad. Whenever I click down on the canvas in chrome, the cursor becomes a text cursor. I have tried putting cursor: hand in the css, but that doesn't seem to work. This has got to be an easy thing, but I look it up and can't find it anywhere

+4  A: 

Use pointer for your cursor property instead, like this:

canvas { cursor: pointer; }

hand is IE/Opera specific, you can see a full list of which cursors work in which browsers here.

Nick Craver
particularly this note is helpful in the mentioned link
Mahesh Velaga
i put that in but still doing the same thing. Check it here:
@pfunc - I can't debug your page directly, it has a few invalid properties that needs correcting... `<script>` tags need to be `<script></script>`, they can't be self closing like `<script />`. Also there's an extra `<body>` tag in there...can't debug funky behavior until it's valid :)
Nick Craver
thanks, this is what happens when a flash developer tries to go back to html. I chnaged those and still happening.
+2  A: 

Use the disable text selection on the canvas. This works like a charm.

var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); canvas.onselectstart = function () { return false; } // ie canvas.onmousedown = function () { return false; } // mozilla

Cheers, Kris


While the other guys were absolutely bang on referring you to the quirksmode reference, that won't fix the problem you are having, and essentially you need to implement a variation of Kris's answer.

In my own implementation, I found that preventing default behaviour in the mousedown event was all that was required to stop that pesky text selection cursor:

function handleMouseDown(evt) {

  // you can change the cursor if you want
  // just remember to handle the mouse up and put it back :) = 'move';

  // rest of code goes here

document.addEventListener('mousedown', handleMouseDown, false);

Hope that helps.

Cheers, Damon.

Damon Oehlman