



I have an issue regarding to auto populating a select dropdown from jQuery/JSON data which is return from a ColdFusion CFC, the code is below:

$("#licences-add").dialog({autoOpen:false,modal:true,title:'Add Licences',height:250,width:380});


function openAddLicence(intInstanceID,szName,szDatasourceName){
$("#intInstanceID").attr('value', intInstanceID);

The json returned is:


However i get the following error:

$("").val(this.UUIDLICENCETYPE).text is not a function

Any ideas?


<td><label for="uuidLicenceType" title="Select the licence type (required).">Licence Type</label> <span class="req">*</span></td>
    <select name="uuidLicenceType" id="uuidLicenceType" class="bmSelect">
        <option value=""></option>
+1  A: 

Since the JSON you're returning isn't an array, you just need this:

  var select = $('#uuidLicenceType');
  $('<option />', {
    text: data.DATA.SZLICENCETYPE[0]

The $.each() the current code calls is looping over the oject's see this just put alert(this) in the loop, so inside the loop it's seeing 1, the column array, and the data object at the end. You can see this in a demo here.

Since you just want to access properties on a single object, use the dot notation above to get at them directly. If you change the format and get an array of these, then wrap what I have above in a $.each() and replace data with this inside that loop.

Updated for comments: Your SZLICENCETYPE is being returned as an array: "SZLICENCETYPE":["Standard"], so you need to fetch the first element from it using [0].

Nick Craver
Not getting an error for those changes so i guess its working, however it doesnt seems to be appending to the select...And i'm getting this error from the jquery.min.js file:G is undefined[Break on this error] (function(){var l=this,g,y=l.jQuery,{o.dequeue(this,E)})}});
Jonathon Joyce
@Jonathon - Can you post the html section containing your `<select>` ?
Nick Craver
Added the HTML to the question description, and the updated jquery...The form is in a hidden div which gets opened by a jquery ui dialog box if that makes any difference?
Jonathon Joyce
@Jonathon - Updated the answer, the important change is `SZLICENCETYPE` needs to be `SZLICENCETYPE[0]` when assigning the text to the option. Also, it looks like your still using an each, make sure not to unless you're now returning an array of these items :)
Nick Craver
Thanks very much for your help, got it working now! ta
Jonathon Joyce