



I want to write a small bakcup script that would that my shelf changes in IntelliJ and put them on a netwrok drive. But I can't locate the path to where these are stored on my local drive.

Any ideas?

+1  A: 

For me it's $user.home/.IntelliJIdea90/config/shelf

I'm not sure if that changes on OSX or not. It seems like it might be different, but once you find the .IntelliJIdea90 directory, it's in /config/shelf.

Update for comment Here is my .IntelliJIdea80/config/shelf directory after shelving some changes in 8.1.3:

skrall@skralldesktop:~/.IntelliJIdea80/config/shelf$ ls

I'll startup my Windows VM and see if it's the same place on Windows.

Update With Windows

Same place. This is Vista, so it's C:\Users\skrall\.IntelliJ90\config\shelf Can you search your local hard drive for a directory named shelf? Or, if that doesn't work, search for *.patch

Steve K
NOPE - I use WIndows XP and IntelliJIdea80 folder in my user's folder doesn't have a config/shelf subfolder. I do have there code changes shelf so it must be stored somewhere, right?
I loaded up my version of 8.1.3. It's in config/shelf for me.
Steve K
Could you add the netire local path? Maybe I'm looking in an incorrect place...
I don't have that path at all. Is there any way to check in IntelliJ what that path is defined as?
Downloading IntelliJ for Windows. I'll let you know once it's done.
Steve K
Updated information for Windows. Basically the same, not sure what could be going on...
Steve K
I'm using CVS for my version control... I wonder if that makes a difference... I wouldn't think so, but I guess it's possible
Steve K
On Mac OS X, these are in ~/Library/Preferences/IntelliJIdea90/shelf
Chris Williams