





I want to an Android application(a port from a windows mobile phone) but I need to learn a couple things

  1. How to program for different screen sizes and resolutions (so my controls get bigger smaller or whatever)
  2. How to dynamically create controls such labels and checkboxes ( and checkbox listeners)
  3. How to create a menu
  4. How to create a context menu( a menu when you right click on the screen it pops up)
  5. how to program for landscape and portrait mode

    How to consume a webservice

Most of what I am after is mostly the display aspect as all my logic is on a webservice so I could port all my stuff to different phones faster.

So I am looking for tutorials or a book to get me up to speed to do these things

+1  A: 

Best resources are developer guide and CommonsWare.

Thanks for the shout-out!
+1  A: 

If you are looking for a book Professional Android 2 Application Development by Reto Meier is excellent and has sample code available for all the examples. He hits on all your points.

Kevin McMahon
Any particular chapters?
the entire book is quite excellent and worth picking up. I'm halfway through and Chapter 4 is probably the best (talks about layouts and UI) - I'd recommend giving a perusal all the way through, though. There are some nuances I didn't know about as it relates to Application lifecycle
Well I really only plan of making this one application and won't touch andriod for a long time after that. So I don't need to know stuff like bluetooth and gaming api's and stuff. I just need the questions I asked in my original post. So I really just need to know the chapters to read to get me to that point.

I have the Pragmatic Programmers' Hello, Android and I've gotten a lot of good out of it. It has a good overview of the Android application lifecycle and a nice long walkthrough of an example application that ladles out the useful/interesting bits of Android development as it goes.

Jim Kiley