





I want to integrate the zxing source code to my android application. I have downloaded the zxing1.5 and integrate the whole code to my application and i am calling the activity "CaptureActivity" through intent. It is showing only the camera view but it is not scanning the barcode. Can u please tell me how to solve this problem because i want my application to be stand alone. i don't want to install BarcodeScanner.apk separately in the device.

thanks in advance....

+3  A: 

I don't think CaptureActivity is what you want - instead, you should be using com.google.zxing.client.android.SCAN.

See the article How to scan a barcode from another Android application via Intents for code samples, and links to further related articles.

Thanks for your quick reply but i don't want to call the "BarcodeScanner.apk" that has been already installed in the device. I want my application to be stand alone .So i want to integrate the zxing android code to my application.hope you can understand.Thanks
@Sujit: Ah, I see. Then I guess you need to merge the original ZXing XML file with yours, but change `com.google.zxing.client.android.SCAN` to `com.sujit.zxing.client.android.SCAN` or similar, and then fire an intent for `com.sujit.zxing.client.android.SCAN`.
original ZXing XML means AndroidMainefest.xml or what.thanks...
Yes, AndroidManifest.xml. Specifically the part that says `<activity android:name=".CaptureActivity" ... > ... <intent-filter><action android:name="com.google.zxing.client.android.SCAN"/>`
Ok i got it...let me test it on deviceThanks..
No its not working. I have changed the AndroidMainefest.xml and provide the package name as you have specified still it is not scanning at all. I am not getting it why it is not scanning. The BarcodeScanner android code is working fine and it is calling the CaptureActivity by intent but when i am calling the same activity in my application it is not scanning.Thanks...
If you've changed everything to refer to your own package, and left everything else the same, then I'm afraid I don't know why it's not working.

hi, have you sorted out this problem ? am also facing the same problem, please share it with me what you have done.

thanks & regards sathees
