



Hello fellow stackoverflow users.

I am building my first Ruby on Rails app which is going to be my own little community. I have made the User model with several fields and information. But now i am thinking of adding avatar support for the users. And i've been researching and found that my best option would be using Paperclip. But then i've encountered a little dilemma.

I want my users to be able to resie/crop their avatar image after they have chosen a image. I have googled alot and since i am using jQuery i found that imgAreaSelect would be best in my opinion. And i think MiniMagick looks best.

So to my question. How can i best intergrate Paperclip and imgAreaSelect? I am new to Ruby and Rails so i don't know how i can resize the image.

Do you folks know how to intergrate the to or maybe some other options that fits my needs best?

I also need to apologize for my bad/misspelled english since i am not english :)

Thanking you in advance.

Yours sincerely,


+2  A: 

Ryan Bates covered cropping images using Paperclip and JCrop in Railscast 182. I'd recommend that you check it out.

John Topley
Thank you, it's a good guide

Ahh... nice one!!
