



I have a custom implementation of IResourceProvider and ResourceProviderFactory. Now the default way of making sure ASP.NET uses these custom types is to use the web.config and specify the factory like so:

<globalization resourceProviderFactoryType="Product.Globalization.TranslationResourceProviderFactory" />

This works perfectly, except that in my resource provider I need database access. I want to use my IoC-container(Ninject) to inject the repositories needed to access this data into the CustomResourceProvider. But how am I going to do this? I have no control over the instantiation of the factory, so the factory can't get a reference to my IoC.

Is there any way to register a custom provider programmatically, in for example the Global.asax?


Your custom implementation of ResourceProviderFactory could use the DI framework to retrieve the instance of IResourceProvider.

Darin Dimitrov
Yes, but how do I get a reference to my DI framework? I think it's an anti-pattern to make my "kernel" statically available in some singleton class.
Robert Massa
There doesn't really seem to be another way, i've used the WCF implementation at to do this. Thanks for you input.
Robert Massa