+1  A: 

I don't believe GoDaddy supports Full trust - though that may have changed recently. The error is caused by the System.IO.Path.GetTempPath call, which requires EnvironmentPermission.

The call stack prior to that is obfuscated, so my guess is it's from a component vendor. Check for an update or fix for partial trust from them, or replace it.

Mark Brackett
there was a DevExpress component on that page but I remvd it yet the error never resolved. I changed the web.config hoping it would recompile. Is there any other way to force the page to compile on a remote host? My last option is to recreate the page never having that component and see what happens
Brian Boatright
That should have cause a recompile. Check that you aren't also caching the page. If not, then you probably still have the error and it wasn't that component.
+2  A: 

Have you tried using a local instance of IIS and setting the trust level to medium? That would help you debug and try stuff a little quicker.

(And is a good habit to get into anyway. You want to test in an environment as close to production as possible. And the VS web server definitely has a few important differences that can get you if you don't test in IIS too.)

So how would I lower my required trust level in the site? Say I'm using Db4o, which requires me to load a file in the file system..
For IIS7, you can edit the Trust Level in the IIS Manager under the ".NET Trust Levels" item at either the server or web site level. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc753658(WS.10).aspx
I know how to change the trust, but what if I lower it and then get errors. Where do I go from there?
If after testing the lower trust level you find that a library breaks, you have to either use another library, a different method in that library that doesn't require the higher trust, or work with the library vendor to rewrite the code to work under the available trust level. Or, move the application to a server/host that allows for the higher level of trust the library currently requires.

Setting breakpoints in obfuscated, non-debug assemblies are hard. It will likely lead you nowhere.

Find out why the obfuscated component is trying to access the temp path.
