




As we know, the apps in the apple app store has a unique itunes link, and we can fetch app data about the app from app store through the link.

I am wondering how can i achieve this in the android market, just like the website http://www.androlib.com/ did?

As long as I know, each app in the android market has a ID, which just like "com.gabrouze.magic", and the QR Code can be viewed in "http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=qr&chs=135x135&chl=market://search?q=pname:com.gabrouze.magic".



I'm interested too! Does anyone knows something about this ? I know that exists a java api, but I need a php api.


Every Android app has a special URL that starts with market://

You can make the special URL by putting the app's full package name on the end this url: market://details?id=

So for my measure app, the package name is com.droidstogo.measure and thus the special URL is: market://details?id=com.droidstogo.measure

This special URL is not looked up in a browser. The special URL is used on the device, in an Intent object, to go to the market and buy it.

You can also use an online tool to put that URL into a QR bar code Here is one tool http://zxing.appspot.com/generator/ That gives you a bar code which the device can scan, and again go to the market for that app (try it).

More about this on page: http://developer.android.com/guide/publishing/publishing.html


Peter vdL