



I setup the proper SDK because all my ruby code will compile but RubyMine complains that it can't find the any of my java classes? Is this a flaw or is there a way to get it to recognizewhere the classes are?

Here is my code, I have underlined all the things its complaining about

require 'java'

include_class 'java.awt.event.ActionListener'
include_class 'javax.swing.JButton'
include_class 'javax.swing.JFrame'

class ClickAction
  include ActionListener

  def action_performed(event)
    puts "Button got clicked."

Is there a way around this because I'd love to buy RubyMine if it's able to inform me of what Java classes and methods I can pick from. Thanks

+1  A: 

RubyMine does not have any support for Java and does not recognize Java classes - JRuby is only supported as a target platform for running regular Ruby code. Full Java/Ruby interoperability is supported in IntelliJ IDEA with the Ruby plugin.

Thanks... that saves me some frustration
John Baker
But does IDEA supports Rails and everything else RubyMine supports (Cucumber, Rspec, RubyOnRails, Haml, Sass etc)?
New features usually appear in RubyMine before the Ruby plugin for IntelliJ IDEA, but eventually the plugin catches up with RubyMine. The version available now for IDEA 9 does support all of the listed features.