




I have a problem with my project using Infragistics WPF control, but it's more general to WPF, so I am asking the question here.

In my grid I have a column with combobox as editor. In XAML, I set DisplayMemberPath and ValuePath in ItemsProvider, so user sees display name, but internally value code is stored in the grid.

The problem comes after I start setting RowFilter on the combo box in a particular row: ((DataView)comboEditor.ItemsProvider.ItemsSource).RowFilter = rowFilter;

Since RowFilter is applied to the ItemsSource which is used by all combo editor in the same column, other rows change display name to value code since the drop down list becomes empty for them after RowFilter is applied.

I wonder if there's any workaround that after RowFilter is applied to one cell, I can still keep display name in other cells in the same column.

Thanks for your help, Yu