




Is it possible to make a multiple choice list with android:choiceMode="multipleChoice" or setChoiceMode(ListView.CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE) on an ExpandableListView? I am able to do this with CheckBoxes on a plain ListView, but it doesn't seem to be working with ExpandableListView. In the latter, clicking the list item (either parent or child) does not affect the checkbox as it does in the former.

I have noticed that it is possible to click exactly on the checkbox to make it toggle, but this is a very small target.

Here is a relevant unanswered forum post.


After some study, the answer is No. "Checked" status seems to be tracked internally by "position", so that a "parent" (aka "group") item a ways down the list that is checked may transfer its check to a child above it if the previous parent in the list is expanded.

I ended up tracking checkmarks in my own data structure.
