



I'm trying to install a software called Teambox in my Dreamhost shared account, following these instructions.

I have no experience with Rails. I just want to install the software in the shared hosting.

In this shared hosting, all dependencies are ok, but I have to create the dabatase from their panel. I can't create in command line (ssh).

So, when I run "rake db:create" these's an error, because the db already exists (because I created in panel).

I've already contacted support. They can't change this policy.

How do I populate my tables "by hand" in this case? Which files should I look inside Teambox's folder...


+1  A: 

rake db:create should create your database and that's all. It doesn't creates your tables.
There are several rake tasks to do that :

  • rake db:migrate which will execute your migrations. So create all your tables.
  • rake db:seed which will add the original data of your application. See Database Seeding

You don't need to be able to create the database to do any of these.

I'm new to Ruby/Rails stuff. I was just planning to install and get running. The app wiki is "rake db:create db:schema:load RAILS_ENV=development". So, should I change it to "rake db:migrate"?
Somebody still uses you MS-DOS
Just run `rake db:schema:load RAILS_ENV=development` if the database already exists.
Tomas Markauskas