



I know that Jquery has a .hover function, but I can't seem to figure out how to implement it in Balsamiq Mockups. Here is what I am trying to do:

I am creating a mockup for hulu, called Bulu and I am trying to have the channels menu slide down when I hover over the channels button, here is the code I have

buluchannels ; $("#buluchannels").fadeOut("fast"); $("#buluchannels").fadeIn("slow");

And here are the failed attempts

First Attempt 

$("#buluchannels").hover(); $("#buluchannels").fadeOut(100);$("#buluchannels").fadeIn(500);

Second Attempt

$("#buluchannels").hide().end().hover( function (); $(this).toggleClass("active").next().stop(true, true).slideToggle();

Third Attempt

$("#buluchannels").hide(); $(this).toggleClass("active");

Fourth Attempt


Please help me.