



I've just gone to installed RoR on my snow leopard mac.. and found the rails gem was already installed..

is this normal? Does it need updating?

Does this get installed along with textmate?


Yes, the rails gem is already installed along with Snow Leopard, because you installed developer tools, it's very normal.

But it's a little bit old, you need to update it.

TextMate did not bundle any RoR stuff with this. TextMate just included a lot of bundles which mainly consists of Python and Ruby scripts, if you do not have ruby, textmate will not work.

However, TextMate is originally made on Tiger 10.4, which bundled Ruby 1.8.2, and Snow Leopard bundled Ruby 1.8.7, so TextMate's bundles is not fully compatible with Snow Leopard Refer to this and get some fix for these issues:

And also make sure you always keep your RoR bundle to the latest SVN is also a good habit

+2  A: 

It is installed with the Snow Leopard developer tools. Version 1.8.7 of Ruby is installed.

You should be fine for most your development needs. If you wish to upgrade just update the gems:

$ sudo gem install rubygems-update

$ sudo update_rubygems

$ sudo gem update

$ sudo gem update --system

$ sudo gem install rails
rails 3 is in beta right now, and it is not installed with SL
Right, mistake on my part, forgot I installed that manually.

TextMate is just a text editor. It only understands Rails syntax and file structure making it easy to write Rails apps. That said, you still need to install Rails separately to create Rails apps.
