




I have and EntryEditor that allows users to add postit's (views with a UItextView in them) onto it and move them around.

I'm working on handling touch events: making it so only one postit is selected at a time, and unselecting the postit if the user touch's outside any postit. I've implemented the touch handling in the postit's, and I'm using notification to tell the EntryEditorController that a postit has been selected, and it resets the selection property on the postit's as needed and calls setNeedsDisplay. This all works fine: I can move postit's around and only one is selected at a time.

Handling touch's outside of any postit's is my design issue. I'm considering either overriding all the touch events in the postit superview (the EntryEditor), OR I could make the EntryEditor a buttonControl and adding an action for touchUpInside. Any input on which approach makes more sense? I tried using UITapGestureRecognizers, but had troubles with getting that to do what I want.

Thanks for any input.