You will need to parse out, trim, escape and quote each of the 3 values in the cell to get:
SELECT * FROM dbo.Total WHERE ID = 'bob''s' And Source IN ('Test','Testing','Tested')
Dim someSQL As String
someSQL = "SELECT * FROM dbo.Total WHERE ID = '" & escape(TextBox1.Text) & "' And Source IN (" & splitCell("s3") & ")"
Function splitCell(addr As String) As String
Dim v() As String
Dim i As Long
v = Split(Range(addr).Value, ",")
For i = 0 To UBound(v)
v(i) = "'" & escape(trim$(v(i))) & "'"
splitCell = Join(v, ",")
If (Len(splitCell) = 0) Then splitCell = "''"
End Function
Function escape(sIn As String) As String
//you should use a prepared statement instead
escape = Replace$(sIn, "'", "''")
End Function