




Is there any IDE (like VS) with drag and drop support for building python GUI, connecting to dbs etc? Eventhough I am an emacs guy, I find it much easier to create GUI with VS.

+1  A: 

Eclipse has python support.

There's also IDLE or Wingware, though I'm not sure of their GUI support.

I'm sure a good google search would turn up more.

But in the end, I doubt it. Python is dependent on third-party widget sets like Qt, Tk, Gtk, wxWidgets, etc for GUI support. Each of those will have their own system for laying things out.

Joel Coehoorn
+5  A: 

The short answer is "no". There is not a swiss-army-knife like IDE that is both a full-featured Python code-editor and a full-featured WYSIWYG GUI editor. However, there are several stand-alone tools that make creating a GUI easier and there are a myriad of code editors, so if you can handle having two windows open, then you can accomplish what you are trying to.

As for stand-alone GUI editors, which you choose is going to depend on what library you choose to develop your GUI with. I would recommend using GTK+, which binds to Python via PyGtk and has the Glade GUI designer. I believe that there are other GUI libraries for Python that have WYSIWYG designers (Qt, Tkinter, wxWindows, etc.), but GTK+ is the one I have the most experience with so I will leave the others for other commentators.

Note, however, that the designer in this case is not at all language dependent. It just spits out a .glade file that could be loaded into any language that has GTK+ bindings. If you are looking for a designer that produces raw Python code (like the Code-Behind model that VS.Net uses), then I am not aware of any.

As for general code-editing IDE's (that do not include a GUI designer), there are many, of which PyDev/Eclipse is probably the most Visual Studio-like.

(Revised for clarity.)

+1  A: 

You can try Boa Constructor or Dabo

+2  A: 

For GUI only, I find VisualWx (http://visualwx.altervista.org/) to be very good for designing wxPython apps under Windows.

For GUI + database, dabo (http://dabodev.com/) is probably a good answer.

Brandon Corfman

For wxPython I use xrced to make GUI definitions contained in xml files, I find this way to be elegant and scalable.

wxformbuilder is also good.

As for the IDE, I'm a WingIDE fan.

Toni Ruža
+1  A: 

I'm a GNOME guy, so I prefer PyGTK. The standard GUI builder for that is the Glade Interface Designer (until it transitions to GtkBuilder).

Jeremy Cantrell
Me too. Took me a bit to realize that the glade package in Ubuntu is obsolete, and the glade3 package is the up-to-date one. Beats me.
+4  A: 

Also for PyGTK, there is Gazpacho, it's pure python which makes adding your own custom widgets easier, and already has gtkbuilder support.

I took over maintenance of the project a few months ago, and we plan to release it under the umbrella of the PIDA IDE, in a more Visual Studio-like setup. Patches accepted!

Ali A
Wow that is great to hear! I had wondered what the status of Gazpacho was. I would love to have a GTK editor available that supports gtkbuilder! This might be the silver bullet that gets me using PIDA.
I took a look at gaspacho a while back. It doesn't look like it's had any updates for a while. Is the mercurial version the one that supports GtkBuilder?
Jeremy Cantrell
Last release supports GtkBuilder, but there is no UI for turning it on/off.
Ali A
+2  A: 

I'm not really a Pythonista, but I am a Mac user and I appreciate a good, native interface in the apps I write and use. So, if I were to use Python for a GUI app on the Mac, I'd use PyObjC with Interface Builder and Xcode, rather than a cross-platform solution.

Sherm Pendley
+3  A: 

If your into QT EricIDE is a good choice

If by "cute" you mean Qt