



Hi there...

I'm working on an eclipse rcp application and want to avoid this effect when opening a new editor:

and want to achieve this effect programmatically:

Has anyone an idea how this can be achieved?

Thanks! :-)

+1  A: 

As far as I can tell from reading the Eclipse Javadoc, your editors will always open as tabs. It's up to your users to drag and drop one of the editors, so the editors are side by side.

You can submit a request to the Eclipse organization for this feature, if you wish.

Gilbert Le Blanc

This is not available as a default behavior. It is a nice view for those of us with wide enough monitors but Eclipse leaves that choice to the user because most people who are using monitors that are < 22" do not want to see editors side-by-side.


Yeah, it is possible, I did it once. Just take a look at the following example:
As I remember, the code will open editors, one on top of the other but the code can be easily adapted so that editors are opened side by side. Just post here if it doesn't work and I'll help you with it :)

Oh, I almost forgot... there is no "legal" way to implement your feature so you will have to call "Discouraged access" code.
