



Hi, I'm trying to display the data from two sql ce 3.5 sp1 database tables linked with foreign key - Customers and Orders. When the customer is selected in a datadrig, I want the other grid to be populated with the Orders. I'm using a query:

var profiles = from c in db.Customers.Include("Orders")
                           select c;

And in my ViewModel:

private Models.Customers _selecteditem;
        public Models.Customers SelectedItem
            get { return _selecteditem; }


the view looks like this:

        <toolkit:DataGrid  x:Name="dg1" ItemsSource="{Binding Customers}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedItem, mode=TwoWay}">
        <toolkit:DataGrid  x:Name="dg2" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=SelectedItem.Orders}">

The error I'm getting is:

Warning 1   Field 'Clients.ViewModels.CustomerViewModel._selecteditem' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value null    

How to make it work correctly? When I just want to display Customers it is ok. Thanks for any suggestions.

+11  A: 

You need a setter for SelectedItem

private Models.Customers _selecteditem;
public Models.Customers SelectedItem
    get { return _selecteditem; }
    set { _selectedItem = value; }

Also, since you are using it in a binding you'll want the ViewModel to implement INotifyPropertyChanged so it'll actually be:

private Models.Customers _selecteditem;
public Models.Customers SelectedItem
    get { return _selecteditem; }
      if (_selectedItem != value)
        _selectedItem = value;

public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

private void NotifyPropertyChanged(String info)
    if (PropertyChanged != null)
        PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(info));
Martin Harris
After I changed the code according to what you wrote above, no data are display at all by both datagrids.
@EVA If you repost your code as you have it now, I can see what you're missing. The code I gave you was just a sample to point you in the right direction, and may not work as is. Look up INotifyPropertyChanged and WPF Binding to understand *why* the code is written the way it is and you should be able to adapt it to your use case.
Martin Harris