




am almost done with my project in android, now I want to make the executable version of the application.

I need to demonstrate it in .exe form as soft app as on emulator, not by built and debug process from eclipse.

+1  A: 

You can't convert an APK file into a .exe file. APK files hold Android apps as self-installable files already - opening an APK file on a phone or the emulator will start the installation process. It sounds like you just want to sign the app with a 'proper' key rather than using a debug key. To do that, read the official page on signing apps.

Steve H
Actually, I wan to make an EXE file of the project for the demonstration of the project to get rid of the process of debugging everytime and running code.

You don't need to create a .EXE file for doing what you want. You can just create a bat file that executes adb commands that will: install and start your application in the emulator. I guess, the problem here is that you don't understand how the APK files work... I'm just saying.

OK... in order to install an Android application using adb (which is basically what Eclipse does in the background) you need to do this:

adb install path/name_app.apk

Then, you can start the application by using adb shell am command. You can find info here: http://pdk.android.com/online-pdk/guide/instrumentation_testing.html

Another thing you have to take in account is that you will have to run the AVD before installing and executing your application: http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/avd.html

All those commands you have to execute (may be using a .bat file as I mentioned before) are executables that you can find in the android-sdk\tools directory.

Can you explain then?
Can you please code the adb command to "adb commands that will: install and start your application in the emulator" as you specified in your answer